Introducing Stainless Steel Skate Handles
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Introducing Stainless Steel Skate Handles
04 Apr 2013
Backsafe Australia has come up again with a new range of Stainless Steel Skate Handles that are designed to make it comfortable for the user to move heavy crates without putting much effort, avoiding the user to bend, thereby reducing strain and increasing the productivity as a result.
Not going much into depth, these are some of the excellent benefits of using Skate Handles.
- Sturdy Stainless steel handle with rubber grips for comfort and stability.
- One size fits all handle designed to make it comfortable for the user regardless of their height.
- Fit the skate handle standing up with no bending required, making it ideal for manual handling or to avoid any workplace injuries associated with the back or knees.
- Move up to 600 kg crates or security crates from one location to another easily and efficiently.
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