13 Sep 2019
For any business that deals with harsh or corrosive chemicals daily, storing a spill kit should be as accessible and as memorable as the tearoom or the bathroom. Everyone should know where it is without having to think about it. All factories and warehouses will have training in how to contain spills; but the position of the spill kits is crucial to avoiding injuries and potentially saving lives. If your employees must hunt around for spill kits or use a spill kit that’s the equivalent of a handkerchief to mop up a tipped over bath, this can also put people at unnecessary risk. Here are some tips about where to store spill kits so they’re accessible and practical for the potential spill that may occur.
On the factory floor, around manufacturing lines
Many spills occur on the factory floor, especially when hydraulic lines burst, buckets are knocked over, or containers have leaks. A spill kit hanging on the wall or under the lines can ensure a quick recovery.
Fuel pumps and storage tanks
We’ve all seen the ‘garbage bin’ spill kits at our local service station – we should do the same for our own factories and warehouses. They should be near fuel pumps and other storage tanks for immediate containment.
Forklift operators may be the first on site to notice spills – or even cause spills if a drum falls over or is nicked by the tines. Having a smaller spill kit under the seat to mop up spills before a larger spill kit or safety officer arrives can be more than handy.
Fluid dispensers
Misaligning hoses and dispensers with containers are a major cause of spills in the workplace, and spill kits should be hanging on walls or located near any hoses or fluid dispensers just in case.
Battery storage compartments
If your worksite uses batteries – lead acid batteries in particular – spills can occur around forklift and mechanical lift charging stations. Spill kits with a neutralising agent, goggles, gloves, and apron can help prepare employees for any eventualities.
Waste collection areas
There are many types of waste that accumulate in the modern workplace with liquid waste being one of them. When smaller buckets are tipped into larger containers, spills inevitably occur despite being careful. Having nearby spill kits on walls or specialised lockers outdoors can help give people peace of mind.
Laboratories and other specialised areas
Most laboratories and specialised equipment or preparation areas have spill kits hanging on walls or in cabinets nearby to any technical work. Some labs might need specialised spill kits with entire hazmat suits or special damming cordons to ensure spills are contained.
Maintenance lockers
Even if your employees aren’t trained yet or you have visitors on site, the first place anyone will look for spill kits are around maintenance lockers and general storage. These should be clearly marked to identify the location and be as easy to access as possible.
For more information on spill kits and to purchase industrial or commercial spill kits for your business, contact Backsafe Australia on 1300 305 314 for a free consultation.
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