Safety Device Set To Be Launched During Rail Safety Week

Safety Device Set To Be Launched During Rail Safety Week
Safety Device Set To Be Launched During Rail Safety Week teaser

14 Aug 2014

Running from 12-18 August this year, Rail Safety Week is an Australasian rail industry initiative that brings together the major operators across Australia and New Zealand to promote rail safety messages for one week every year. On the occasion of Rail Safety Week ,the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has announced to launch its new Australian designed and tested rail safety innovation called the Track Awareness Support System (TASS).

With the extreme concern for the protection of rail employees, a major step has been taken by railways authority with the launch of safety beacon that has been designed and successfully tested in Australia.
The supreme purpose of this device is to warn the rail workers about oncoming trains on the platforms where any kind of work is going on.

TASS (Track Awareness Support System) is set to launch this week during the National Rail Safety Week, after a lots of checks and trials held at NSW hunter valley. TASS has been regarded as a portable beacon powered by ARTC’s 3G train communication network, that has come into existence after a series of progressive trials over multiple locations in NSW rail corridors from the last few months.


ARTC spokesman Michael Van De Worp said the device can be easily deployed and will really be helpful in saving lives due to rail accidents.

This device can easily inform those working on the track if there is a proceeding train within 10 kms. It can easily track the train movements using GPS and Telstra NextG technology and when locomotives reach a certain distance from the track where workers are kept on task, there should be an alert via a loud siren and flashing lights.

The weight of this device is even less than 10 kg, robust in design, easily portable, quite easier to set up and use. As such it depicts a simple device but a lot of planning and hardwork has resulted into this innovation, with a perfect design to complement the existing rail safety norms and procedures.

Adding further Van De Worp said this system will really going to be beneficial for the protection of our staff members and effectively promoting our safety goal that no one is harmed at work or on our network.

ARTC spokesman Michael van de Worp claims that it should help prevent accidents like the one that claimed the lives of the two maintenance workers near Singleton in the past.

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